The cost of running your air conditioner all summer really adds up. But in our area, you can’t really do without it. If you can’t just stop using the AC, what can you do? Here are some tips on how to lower your electric bills by using your air conditioner as efficiently as possible this summer.
Cut Your Air Conditioning Costs This Summer
July 3rd, 2023Signs of a Scary Sewer Gas Problem
June 19th, 2023Everything you flush down the toilet should be gone forever. And it’s easy enough for your sewage system to deal with liquids and solids—as long as you’re not flushing anything you shouldn’t be. But what about gases? Your plumbing has some design features specifically for trapping and safely venting sewer gases, but if something goes wrong, you need a plumber right away. Sewer gas is extremely toxic, so if you have any concerns about it whatsoever, you should treat it like what it is: a major health risk.
What to Expect When You Schedule AC Repair
June 5th, 2023Of course, it would be wonderful if appliances always operated smoothly and nothing ever went wrong. But complex systems like air conditioners have many components that can encounter problems, and even the best air conditioner will occasionally need repairs. When that does happen, make sure to get repairs done promptly, so the problem doesn’t worsen.
If you’re not sure what to expect when a technician comes to repair your AC unit, you’ll be better prepared once you’ve read this.
Slab Leaks 101: Causes, Detection, and Repair
May 22nd, 2023It may seem like the concrete slab or basement floor is the absolute bottom level of your home. But did you know that both hot and cold water pipes run under there? You can’t see them, but when they leak, they can cause major problems for you and your home. These slab leaks have a variety of causes, and they can be hard to spot, so here’s our guide on what to look for, and what to do if you suspect a slab leak.
Catch AC Problems Early and Keep Repairs Small
May 8th, 2023It can be tempting to postpone all kinds of things that might be inconvenient or costly. When you suspect that something is wrong with your air conditioner, and you don’t know just how bad it is or how much it will cost to have it repaired, you might try to push it out of your mind and hope for the best.
But that’s the last thing you should do. Delaying air conditioner repairs can be catastrophic. Prompt repair can resolve a small issue before it becomes a big problem. Here are some examples to encourage you to take quick action and avoid AC disasters.
Lasting Benefits of AC Maintenance
April 24th, 2023Springtime in Arizona is truly gorgeous. But don’t get so caught up in the beautiful weather that you forget what’s coming next. When summer hits, you need to be ready for it, which means that your air conditioner needs to be ready for months of hard work. How can you be sure that you’ll have consistent, effective air conditioning all summer? By scheduling AC maintenance now.
AC Repair vs. Full Replacement: Everything You Need to Know
April 10th, 2023It’s about to get hot again, folks. How’s your air conditioner doing? Is it ready for another long season of hard work keeping your house cool? Or has it been having a rough time? Will it need significant repairs before you can count on it to work?
When an air conditioner has major problems, should it be repaired or replaced? We’ve got some tips for you to help make that decision.
How to Spot Good Quality Plumbers for Your Plumbing Repair
March 27th, 2023If you’ve got a plumbing problem, you know you need a skilled professional plumber for the job. But how can you tell if someone is qualified, when the reason you need them is that you aren’t a knowledgeable plumber yourself? We’d like to share some tips for spotting the qualities that make a person a great plumber, so that when you’re trying to choose the right person for the job, you’ll be confident in your selection.
Wait, What’s That Sound from My AC?
March 13th, 2023Your air conditioner will always make some noise. It’s got a big job to do, after all. But there are certain sounds that indicate that it’s operating properly—the hum of the compressor, the whir of the fan—and other sounds that indicate your AC needs repairs.
If you hear anything sudden, loud, or unexpected from your air conditioner, you need to get a technician to take a look at it. Here are some of the sounds an AC unit might make, and what kind of issues could cause it to make those noises.
Should You Call a Plumber for a Drain Clog?
February 27th, 2023Clogged drains are unpleasant, inconvenient, and smelly. But do they really require a professional plumber? It’s a good question, but the answer “sometimes” is a little vague. We’ll go over what options you have for dealing with drains yourself and give you a clear rundown of when you should definitely call a plumber.