Here Are the Top Ways to Prevent AC Failure During Another Scorching Summer!

May 6th, 2024

You really need your air conditioner during an Arizona summer. Aside from simply not having an air conditioner, what’s the worst thing that could happen to your comfortable home this summer? Well, having your air conditioner fail or break down would be very high on the list! That’s something you’d definitely rather avoid.

How can you prevent AC failure during this stretch of time when there will be so much pressure on your cooling system? We’ve got some great tips that will reduce the likelihood of AC breakdowns or repair needs in the coming months while your air conditioner is working so hard.

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Spring Means It’s Time for Regular AC Maintenance

April 22nd, 2024

Spring is in the air! What’s on your get-ready-for-summer to-do list? Air conditioner maintenance is right at the top, isn’t it? If not, it should be. Regular AC maintenance each spring has tremendous benefits that you can enjoy for the rest of the year and beyond. We’ll explain what technicians do during AC maintenance, how it helps your air conditioner, and what maintenance you can do yourself.

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How Professional Plumbers Locate Hidden Leaks

April 8th, 2024

Imagine water leaking somewhere in your home—somewhere out of sight. How in the world will you be able to determine where that leaking is occurring? If you can’t locate it precisely, will you have to tear down walls or tear up floors in order to seek it out so it can be repaired? This all sounds like a nightmare! But don’t worry, we’ve got good news for you.

While in the past, it was often much more challenging to pinpoint the source of plumbing leaks, things have changed a lot. Modern plumbers have modern equipment and know-how. With the help of advanced technology, professional plumbers can easily locate hidden leaks and repair them with precision. How? We’ll explain.

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How Mini Splits Cut Out Ducts From Central Heating and Cooling

March 25th, 2024

A mini split HVAC system is also sometimes called a ductless system. Why? Because it does not require ducts in order to heat and cool your home. How does a mini split eliminate the need for ducts? What are the benefits of going ductless? Can it really provide both AC and heat? We’ll explain everything.

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Overflowing Toilet? Here Are the Steps to Take

March 11th, 2024

It’s easy to panic when something sudden and distressing happens—say, for example, the waste and water in your toilet doesn’t flush down but instead starts rising up. But if you panic, it’s all too easy to spend critical moments rushing around accomplishing nothing while the problem gets worse. What’s the best antidote to panic? Knowledge and understanding.

If you’ve already got a plan in place, you’ll be able to execute that plan even when circumstances are extreme. In order to make that plan, you need some information. Here’s what you need to know in order to deal with an overflowing toilet quickly and calmly and keep the disaster as contained as possible.

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Why Aren’t the Burners in My Furnace Lighting?

February 26th, 2024

It’s getting pretty late in the winter, but it isn’t spring yet. It’s not quite time to be done with our heating systems. We’ll still need them a bit longer! So if your furnace’s burners aren’t lighting, you’ll need to get that fixed right away. What can cause this? Here are some of the possibilities.

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How to Prevent These 5 Common Plumbing Issues

February 12th, 2024

We’re in the business of fixing plumbing problems. But we’re also ordinary folks like yourself, and we know how much better it is to avoid household problems in the first place than to have those problems repaired. Many plumbing issues can be entirely prevented with a little planning ahead.

Here are some common plumbing problems and the ways you can avoid them.

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4 Signs Your Furnace Needs Repair Immediately

January 15th, 2024

We always strongly urge folks to address all furnace problems as promptly as possible. Too often, when people ignore an issue that starts out small, it develops into something major that requires extensive repair. But in some cases, a furnace problem is already serious and needs immediate repair. Here are the most urgent situations that could occur with your furnace.

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Never Run a Gas Furnace With a Cracked Heat Exchanger: Here’s Why

January 1st, 2024

We’re accustomed to having appliances in our home that run on natural gas. Stoves, water heaters, clothes dryers, and of course furnaces all commonly use natural gas. And in general, with basic precautions, this is all perfectly safe. But if your furnace’s heat exchanger cracks, it will seriously compromise your safety.

We’d like to give you a quick crash course in how to avoid a major heating hazard. We’ll explain what a heat exchanger is, why you must never run your furnace if you suspect your heat exchanger is cracked, and what to do about it.

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Great Tips to Prevent Drain Clogs in Your Home

December 18th, 2023

Does it seem like, when a drain clogs in your house, it always happens at the most inconvenient possible time? It’s never a good time to have plumbing that doesn’t work, but it’s definitely worse when guests are about to come over, or you’re trying to celebrate a holiday or relax on a long weekend. 

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could avoid that situation altogether? We’ve got some tips that could help you prevent drain clogs. You won’t have to worry about what to do if they happen if you make sure they don’t happen!

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