Picture Rocks Cooling Heating & Plumbing Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Wait, What’s That Sound from My AC?

Monday, March 13th, 2023

Your air conditioner will always make some noise. It’s got a big job to do, after all. But there are certain sounds that indicate that it’s operating properly—the hum of the compressor, the whir of the fan—and other sounds that indicate your AC needs repairs.

If you hear anything sudden, loud, or unexpected from your air conditioner, you need to get a technician to take a look at it. Here are some of the sounds an AC unit might make, and what kind of issues could cause it to make those noises. 

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Uncommon Air Conditioner Repairs You May Run Into

Monday, February 13th, 2023

AC technicians run into all kinds of air conditioner repairs all the time, some, over and over again. Frozen evaporator coils on the indoor unit, dirty condenser coils on the outdoor unit, air filters clogged with dust, damaged coils leaking refrigerant, and broken fans are things we see every day. However, sometimes we encounter an unusual problem.

Here are four less-common reasons air conditioners need repairs. Not only are they interesting, they’re also worth knowing about in case they happen to you.

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Is My Air Conditioner Worth Repairing?

Monday, October 24th, 2022

In Arizona, it’s important to have a functional air conditioner to maintain your comfort throughout the long summer. At this time of year, you might be thinking more about your heating system, or just reveling in the beautiful autumn weather. But if your air conditioner has been having a rough time this year, you should make a plan now to ensure that you’ll be able to cool your home when the hot weather hits again.

Should your plan be repairing your air conditioner, or investing in a brand-new one? Here are some points you should consider as you make that decision.

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4 Reasons to Schedule AC Repair Now

Monday, October 10th, 2022

Autumn! It’s finally here! It’s time for festive activities, family gatherings, and enjoying the fact that the weather has started to cool down! But what about that little air conditioner issue you’ve been noticing? You don’t have to worry about that now, do you?

Actually, you really should. Here are four air conditioner concerns that are worth addressing now rather than putting off until next spring.

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4 AC Sounds That Mean Trouble

Monday, September 12th, 2022

The sounds your air conditioner makes should mostly fade into the background of your summer lifestyle. The fan whooshes as it blows the cooled air into your home. The compressor hums as it cycles on to circulate the refrigerant through the coils. Sometimes, a little condensation may drip off the evaporator coil, or the metal ducts may make a bit of noise as they change temperature. 

But there are some noises you definitely don’t want to hear, and if you notice them, it’s time to look into AC repair in Catalina, AZ. Here are the top four sounds that you should listen for, so that you can get problems sorted out before they get any worse.

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Upgrade Your AC When…

Monday, July 4th, 2022

When it comes to your air conditioning, there’s no need to wait until it quits working to upgrade. After all, you don’t want to be without air conditioning in our area, with an average summer temperature of 102°F!

Regularly monitoring your system’s performance and making necessary upgrades will keep your home comfortable all year long. Here are eight signs that it’s time for new AC installation in Tucson, AZ:

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Is Your AC System Still Leaving You Hot?

Monday, June 6th, 2022

It’s getting warm outside and you’re sure to use your air conditioning system more often. This is the time of year when you should pay close attention to your comfort. Sometimes, it’s easy for us to disregard issues that we have with our air conditioning systems. We can chalk it up to things like the temperature of the weather outdoors or the time of day. The reality is, though, that your air conditioning system should always be able to handle your cooling needs. If it can’t, then it’s time to contact us for your air conditioning repair in Vail, AZ. We’ve got you covered no matter what’s going on. Let’s figure out why your air conditioner might not be able to do the complete job of cooling this season.

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Never Ignore These Signs of AC Trouble

Monday, April 25th, 2022

Now that the weather is starting to heat up, it’s important to keep your comfort in mind. One of the best ways to do this is by remaining prepared. Preparation in HVAC is mostly done through methods of prevention.

Today, we want to advise you about a variety of signs that you might need air conditioning repair. We’re understanding professionals: we never expect you to know all there is to know about your air conditioning system. That’s why we’re here. We’ll fill in the knowledge gaps for you.

There are many signs that air conditioning trouble is on the horizon. If you notice any of the following, you can turn to our professionals to repair your air conditioning in Tucson, AZ.

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8 Signs That Your AC System Is Failing You

Monday, July 19th, 2021

We’re steadily approaching the height of the summer season. Is your air conditioner performing the way that you want it to?

Your answer to this question should be a firm and strong yes. If it’s anything less than this, your air conditioning system is probably failing you. The troubling aspect about this is that homeowners don’t always recognize this is happening as it’s happening. Today we’d like to point out some signs you should contact a professional. It’s easy to get the proper AC repair in Tucson, AZ you’re looking for with our team.

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3 AC Tips You Should Try This Summer

Monday, July 5th, 2021

It is a known fact that good air conditioning adds a lot of comfort and makes for a pleasant atmosphere at home. Air conditioning in Tucson, AZ is a must, given the very high temperatures the city can reach during the summer months.

However, another important fact is that ACs consume a lot of power. Overusing the AC can take your utility bills through the roof and give you pain later.

In this blog, we look at three effective tips to help lower the cost of air conditioning for your home.

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