Picture Rocks Cooling Heating & Plumbing Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Planning Ahead for AC Season

Monday, February 10th, 2025

The brief respite of the cool winter in the Sonoran Desert is not going to last much longer. We can’t afford to dillydally when it comes to being prepared for the heat. 

Your air conditioner is more than just a luxury for extravagant comfort. It’s necessary to keep you safe during the hottest times of the year! So let’s make sure it will be ready to keep you cool this season. Here’s how we recommend planning ahead for AC season so you won’t have anything to worry about when the heat hits.

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Short Cycling AC: Why It Happens & What to Do

Monday, October 7th, 2024

Your air conditioner runs in cycles. When the thermostat gives the signal that your home has gotten too warm, the compressor kicks on and the refrigerant starts circulating, carrying the heat out of your house. Once it gets cool enough, the thermostat signals for the compressor to shut off again. The air conditioner then enters a resting state, waiting for the next signal to turn on.

These cycles should only happen a handful of times per hour. But what if your air conditioner is coming on and shutting off over and over, every few minutes? It’s called short cycling. It’s a sign that something is wrong with your air conditioner. It can also cause more problems to occur! Here’s what’s going on.

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All About Ductless System Maintenance

Monday, September 23rd, 2024

All air conditioners require maintenance!

All heat pumps require maintenance!

This is true whether they are central systems which lead to ductwork or mini splits, also known as ductless systems. But these systems are not the same.

Do ductless systems have different maintenance needs from central air conditioners? What does ductless maintenance involve? Here’s the lowdown.

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Amazing Advances in AC Efficiency

Monday, September 9th, 2024

As you look around today, you see hybrid cars that get more than fifty miles per gallon of gasoline. There are electric school buses. Light bulbs now use a fraction of the energy of the incandescent bulbs of days gone by. Technology keeps improving, and it is helping us to cut our energy use and thus our bills. This is also true in HVAC technology.

Today, air conditioners are required to be more efficient than ever before. And this is possible because manufacturers can make them more efficient now! What amazing advances in AC efficiency have made it possible for air conditioners to use less energy while working better than ever? Check this out!

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Iced-Up AC? We Can Help!

Monday, August 26th, 2024

Air conditioners should not be covered in ice! It’s a common misconception that ice on an air conditioner is nothing to worry about. After all, it’s supposed to be extremely cold, right? But air conditioners with ice on their coils are actually in pretty serious trouble. The ice is a sign that there’s already a problem—and beyond that, the ice itself is causing problems!

Don’t ignore an icy air conditioner. There are some steps you can take to try to resolve the issue on your own. If those don’t work, you’ll need AC repair to address the root of the problem.

What should you do about an iced-up air conditioner? Here’s a straightforward checklist for you to follow.

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Don’t Forget About Your AC Air Filter

Monday, July 15th, 2024

We’re in the thick of summer now! Your air conditioner is working hard and it will continue to for quite a bit longer before things start to cool down out there again. Have you had your maintenance done? Good. Are you remembering to change your AC air filter? Do you know how to do it, or how often it needs to be done? If you have any questions, we’ve got you covered.

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How to Get Ready for Your AC Installation Appointment

Monday, July 1st, 2024

What a great choice, getting a new air conditioner! The rest of the summer you’ll be living a life of luxury, reveling in the cool comfort of your home.

But wait! Before you can do that, you have to get that new air conditioner installed. Have you made the appointment? Good. But do you know what to expect?

Because getting a new air conditioner and having it installed isn’t an everyday occurrence, it can be reassuring to get some more info about what will be happening. Then you can take some steps to be extra-prepared, which will help your AC installation appointment to go as smoothly as possible.

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What’s That Smell? Your Air Conditioner Needs Repair

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Sometimes, an indication that your air conditioner needs repair will be obvious. For example, if it’s simply not turning on, or if it turns on but shuts off almost immediately, you’ll be overheated and desperate for a qualified technician to figure out what’s wrong. And if you hear a terrible grinding or clattering sound, you’ll be certain that something needs repair, even if you don’t know what.

One odd indicator of AC problems that’s often overlooked is odor. Your air conditioner should never make a noticeable smell. If you do smell something, it’s a sign of a problem. What’s wrong? Here are some clues.

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AC Problems Your Pets Could Be Causing

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Having pets can be great for your quality of life. If you have a dog, you’re likely to go for more walks and get more exercise and fresh air. And miraculously, the sound frequency at which cats purr can accelerate your body’s healing process! But not everything about having pets is exactly all fun and games, as anyone who’s ever wrestled a stressed pet to the vet or cleaned a litter box can tell you.

Your pets can cause a lot of mess and damage to your home. They don’t mean to cause harm! But if you’re not aware of the issues they can cause, the damage can get pretty bad before you realize it needs to be stopped. Did you know that pets can wreak havoc with your HVAC system? Here are a few AC problems your pets could be causing and how to prevent them.

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Here Are the Top Ways to Prevent AC Failure During Another Scorching Summer!

Monday, May 6th, 2024

You really need your air conditioner during an Arizona summer. Aside from simply not having an air conditioner, what’s the worst thing that could happen to your comfortable home this summer? Well, having your air conditioner fail or break down would be very high on the list! That’s something you’d definitely rather avoid.

How can you prevent AC failure during this stretch of time when there will be so much pressure on your cooling system? We’ve got some great tips that will reduce the likelihood of AC breakdowns or repair needs in the coming months while your air conditioner is working so hard.

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