You’re ready for a new AC. Do you know how to go about choosing a new air conditioning system for your home?
Choosing a new air conditioning system is a big task. You need to really consider your HVAC in Green Valley, AZ when you’re doing this. We know how daunting this can be, and we want you to get the help you’re looking for. That’s why we’ve compiled some guidelines below. Schedule an appointment with our professionals.
What You Should Consider
Here are some things that you should consider when it comes to purchasing a new air conditioning system.
Your Current Satisfaction
Before you do anything, it’s important to consider your current satisfaction with your air conditioner.
Ask yourself how many times your find that you’re too warm in your home. Do you like the way your air conditioner performs? Are your bills reasonable? These are all things you need to consider.
It’s easy to see the faults in your air conditioner and just accept that reality for the time being. But it’s important to be critical about your solutions and next steps when you’re upgrading. You want this upgrade to be a true upgrade rather than a lateral move from one AC unit to another.
The Build of Your Home
Is your home older? Do you have dated windows? Is there a lot of natural light in your home? These are all things that are going to affect the way that you cool your space. We consider the build of your home when matching you to a new air conditioner. Get in touch with us when you want quality care that counts.
Your Personal Preferences
How cool do you like your home to be? Are you one of those people who naturally runs a little warmer?
Capacity is something we discuss a lot as a team of HVAC professionals. On a residential level, though, it’s important to discuss the specifics when it comes down to your air conditioning. Your personal air conditioning preferences matter, and we consider them.
The People in Your Home
How many people do you have in your home? Are you guys constantly fighting over the setting of the thermostat? If so, this changes your air conditioning needs. It’s also a clear sign that you might want to consider a Wi-Fi or smart thermostat as well. This is a great way to keep your home at a reasonable temperature.
Your Options
You’ve got options when it comes to AC. Don’t just go with a central air conditioner just because it’s what you have in your home now if it’s not going to be right for you. Consider these options as well:
- Ductless Systems
- Evaporative (Swamp) Coolers
- Heat Pumps
These are all great options. If you’d like to discuss what’s best for you and your home, especially any HVAC services in Green Valley, you should schedule an appointment with our team members. We can walk you through the details to ensure that you’re getting the best service available to you.
Contact Douglas Cooling & Heating today to schedule an appointment with our professionals.