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Picture Rocks Cooling Heating & Plumbing Blog

Don’t Forget About Your AC Air Filter


We’re in the thick of summer now! Your air conditioner is working hard and it will continue to for quite a bit longer before things start to cool down out there again. Have you had your maintenance done? Good. Are you remembering to change your AC air filter? Do you know how to do it, or how often it needs to be done? If you have any questions, we’ve got you covered.

Why Your Air Conditioner Has an Air Filter

An air filtration system for your home can be added to your HVAC system. It can filter particles out of all the air that passes through your ductwork for the purpose of improving your indoor air quality. But that’s not what an AC air filter is. 

Both your air conditioner and your furnace have their own air filters. This is because they must pull a lot of air into themselves in order to heat or cool it. If they also pulled in every speck of dust or fiber of pet hair as well, it would make the system get much dustier much more quickly, and once-a-year maintenance simply wouldn’t be enough to keep it clean.

If You Don’t Change Your AC Air Filter

Because the filter is in place, trapping particles, a layer of dust will build up, rather like dryer lint builds up on the filter of your clothes dryer. If that layer gets too thick, it makes it hard for air to get through. Air circulation is absolutely critical to how your air conditioner functions.

If air isn’t coming through well enough, the little bit of heat created by the blower fan motor can’t be blown away and balanced out by the cool air the AC creates. That heat will just sit there and build up around the motor. It may get hot enough to trip the limit switch, shutting the system down for safety. Then you’ll be stuck in a vicious cycle of turning on and shutting down, called short cycling.

It can even get hot enough to melt the wires in the motor! It’s possible, though rare, for it to start a fire. But the effect that is definitely going to happen is wasted energy and increased electric bills. And at the same time that you’re paying more, you’ll be getting less, because what cool air the AC is able to create won’t be able to circulate properly throughout your house.

Changing Your AC Air Filter

Start by turning off the AC and pulling the filter out. Some air conditioners have disposable filters. These can simply be thrown away and replaced with new ones. Some air conditioners have reusable filters. These need to be washed and thoroughly dried before they’re put back into place. Then, turn the AC back on and you’re good to go!

The average length of time it’s appropriate to go between filter changes is a month. This is assuming consistent, regular use and no causes of excess dust in your home. It can be changed less often if it’s not used as much. It should be changed more often if you have heavily shedding pets, dusty construction near your home, or other concerns like severe allergies.

Your owner’s manual will have clear instructions, but if you can’t locate that or are having any trouble, don’t hesitate to reach out. One of our experts on air conditioning in Oro Valley, AZ would be happy to help.

Contact Picture Rocks Cooling, Heating & Plumbing today with any questions or to schedule an appointment with our professionals.

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