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Picture Rocks Cooling Heating & Plumbing Blog

Lasting Benefits of AC Maintenance


Springtime in Arizona is truly gorgeous. But don’t get so caught up in the beautiful weather that you forget what’s coming next. When summer hits, you need to be ready for it, which means that your air conditioner needs to be ready for months of hard work. How can you be sure that you’ll have consistent, effective air conditioning all summer? By scheduling AC maintenance now.

Having professional maintenance done on your air conditioner every single year will provide many benefits, and some of those benefits are not just for this summer. There are lasting impacts to making sure your AC unit gets the care it needs. Here are some of the highlights.

Keeping Your AC Unit Under Warranty

This is something that can benefit you for years to come. A warranty on an air conditioner can mean that when something goes wrong, you may not have to pay for it. In some cases, the manufacturer may cover the cost of faulty parts, some repairs, and even—if the unit fails before the manufacturer would expect it to—the cost of replacement. Every warranty agreement is different, but most of them have an important clause: to stay under warranty, the unit must have professional maintenance performed every year. 

Keeping Your Home Consistently Cool

For one thing, a well-maintained air conditioner will be more effective at doing its job. It will be better able to perform when you ask it to. And for another thing, it will be less likely to break down completely, requiring you to wait in the heat for a technician to repair it.

Keeping Your Utility Bills Down

Each year, wear and tear, dust and grime, and lack of lubrication will lower your air conditioner’s efficiency by about 5%. While that’s a small amount, you certainly wouldn’t sign up to pay an extra 5% on your utility bill each month for no reason! And it adds up: let it slide another year without maintenance, and it will be 10% less efficient.

Keeping Your Repairs to a Minimum

85% of potential repairs can be avoided when you get maintenance for your air conditioner each and every year. That means you won’t have to pay for those repairs, and you won’t be inconvenienced by them. Proper cleaning and lubrication reduce wear and tear and strain on the system, and having each component inspected and tested will catch tiny issues—like a loose screw, wobbling fan blade, or out-of-position belt—before they can unravel into big problems or do damage to other components.

Keeping Your Air Conditioner Alive Longer

AC life expectancy is between ten and fifteen years when maintenance is done annually. Without that air conditioning service in Tucson, AZ, that lifespan could be cut in half. And it’s not much fun to pay for a new air conditioner when you know you could have kept your old one running for five or seven more years with a little care!

If you’re ready to schedule your annual air conditioner maintenance, we’re ready to hear from you!

Contact Picture Rocks Cooling, Heating & Plumbing today to schedule an appointment with our professionals.

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