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Picture Rocks Cooling Heating & Plumbing Blog

Why Your Heating Services Cost So Much

We’re over halfway through the winter season. If your home’s energy bills have been higher than ever this year, then it’s time for you to schedule an appointment with our team members. Your home’s heating bills should also be within a reasonable range. If they aren’t then it means you should take a step back and take a deeper assessment of your homes HVAC service in Tucson, AZ.

Today, we want to break down the factors that contribute to higher heating bills. All these things aren’t happening without reason. You don’t have to choose between getting great heating service and reasonable heating bills. We’re going to help you get the best of both worlds.

What Factors Increase Your Heating Bills?

Here are some things that could increase your home’s heating bills:

Seasonal Changes

Generally speaking, your home’s heating bills should always be within a reasonable range. The exceptions to this include cold fronts. We have days and even weeks here in Tucson where the weather gets quite cold. If you react to this by running your heater more often and at higher temperatures, then you’re going to notice higher heating bills.

Poor Insulation

If you don’t have proper insulation, then you’re going to heat your home harder and longer to your detriment. A lack of insulation means that your home’s heating is going straight out the window, attic, or underneath your door. This can easily turn into problems with your home’s efficiency and heating bills.


If you’re not maintaining your home’s heating system on a regular basis or repairing your heater in a timely manner, then you’re opening yourself up to inefficiency problems. Inefficiency isn’t something you want to let go on for too long because it’s going to hurt your home’s overall HVAC functionality.

What You Can Do to Lower Your Bills

Here are a few things that you can do to lower your home’s heating bills:

Choosing the Right Thermostat Settings

Make sure that you’re not overshooting your heating needs. Sometimes, it might seem like you’re as cold as ice and you need your thermostat to be set to 80°F. In reality though, that temperature setting is going to have you boiling over in a matter of minutes. Choose a mild thermostat setting and wait for things to heat up. It will help you keep your bills in a reasonable range.

Upgrading Your Thermostat

If you don’t have a Wi-Fi or smart thermostat, then you’re not receiving the best heating service. You don’t want to lose out on any efficiency and upgrading your thermostat is the best way to help.

Improving Your Home’s Insulation

Improving the quality of your home’s insulation is the best way to lower your heating bills. You can start small with services like caulking and weatherstripping. Contact our professionals when you need bigger services like attic insulation.

Regular Maintenance

It’s important to maintain your home’s heating system. This is the best way to keep your bills within a reasonable range long-term. Regular maintenance is something that keeps your system up-to-date, efficient, and ready to run in the best way possible.

Contact Picture Rocks Cooling Heating & Plumbing to schedule an appointment with our professionals.

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