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What Is HVAC Maintenance All About?


We all know that from time to time, things stop working so well and need to be repaired. Of course this is true of heating systems, air conditioners, and other parts of an HVAC system such as a humidifier or air purifier. And we also know that maintenance is recommended for all kinds of complex systems, whether that’s your home or your car. 

What might not be quite so obvious is exactly what’s going on when you have a technician perform maintenance on your heating system or air conditioner. What is HVAC maintenance all about? What does the process include? How does it help your system? We’ve got answers for you.

The Timing of HVAC Maintenance

The best time to have a system maintained is right before you need it most. For example, you want to make sure you’re not overdue for an oil change before you take a long road trip. With your HVAC system, this means having air conditioner maintenance done in the spring and heating maintenance done in the fall. If you use a heat pump all year, that should be serviced in both spring and fall.

The Steps of HVAC Maintenance

Whatever the piece of equipment is, the first step for HVAC technicians is to clean every component thoroughly, taking apart complex assemblies in order to access the inner workings. Dust, dirt, grit, and grime will be meticulously removed. In places where components move against one another, such as the bearings in a motor, fresh lubricant must be added.

Now that everything is clean and easily visible, your technician will check over each component for any signs of wear or damage. They’ll make minor adjustments like tightening or realigning parts. And they’ll do testing on the electrical parts of the system, which help to ensure both your safety and the system’s electrical energy efficiency.

Offering Information

Got questions? Your maintenance technician is the perfect person to ask. How much longer should I expect this equipment to last before I should think about replacing it? Is there anything I can do to improve efficiency? When do the air filters need to be changed? Your technician has the answers, and they’ll be glad to help.

System Wellbeing

We already mentioned safety and efficiency, but maintenance offers a big boost to HVAC system wellness in a variety of ways. It cuts down on the chance of repairs being needed in the coming season by 85%, because of tiny misalignments or miscalibrations being caught before they could cause bigger issues. It helps the system last for as many seasons as possible, rather than ending in early retirement.

It will also help keep you more comfortable! Heating and cooling systems that don’t receive maintenance often end up with issues like shortened cycles and blocked airflow. These things make it easy to spend a lot on energy while not keeping your whole house at an even temperature. Nobody wants cold or hot spots! Make sure to schedule HVAC maintenance in Marana, AZ.

Contact Picture Rocks Cooling, Heating & Plumbing today with any questions or to schedule an appointment with our professionals.

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