The brief respite of the cool winter in the Sonoran Desert is not going to last much longer. We can’t afford to dillydally when it comes to being prepared for the heat.
Your air conditioner is more than just a luxury for extravagant comfort. It’s necessary to keep you safe during the hottest times of the year! So let’s make sure it will be ready to keep you cool this season. Here’s how we recommend planning ahead for AC season so you won’t have anything to worry about when the heat hits.
1: Consider Your Air Conditioner’s History
Now, when you’ve got some time to prepare, you can step back and consider how your air conditioner has been doing. How old is it now? Has it been receiving annual maintenance? Have minor repair needs been happening more and more often? Does it seem to use more electricity than it used to, despite being serviced? Are there any obvious problems, like visible corrosion?
If you do need to replace your air conditioner, early spring is the perfect time to do it. When your air conditioner reaches ten years, you should start to be wary about either big-ticket repair needs or very frequent less-costly repairs. There’s a limit to how much you want to invest in a system that won’t keep you cool for many more years no matter how much money you pour into it.
2: Do Your Own Upkeep
If you’ve decided to keep the air conditioner you have, at least for another year, it’s time to do some upkeep. (But if you’re not sure whether to repair or replace, we’re happy to talk over your options with you!) A hard summer’s use and then the dust and disuse of winter can cause some problems that need to be remedied before you turn the system on for the first time.
There are a couple of things you can do yourself. The first is basic cleaning. If you’ve got dust caked onto your outdoor unit, give it a gentle hose-down. If there’s any debris around it, tidy that up. Your indoor unit should be kept free of dust as well, as dirty evaporator coils can lead to icy buildup and poor AC performance.
Finally, there’s the air filter. Change it! Either swap out a disposable one for a fresh filter, or clean your reusable one. Your owner’s manual will have specific instructions, or we can answer your questions if you’re unsure how to proceed.
3: Schedule Professional Maintenance
There’s a limit to what you can do on your own. You need the help of a qualified HVAC technician to inspect and test all the components of your air conditioner and make any adjustments that will keep it running smoothly for the summer. They’ll also clean all the nooks and crannies and apply lubricant.
What are the benefits? Your system will use less energy, so you won’t pay so much for electricity. It will require fewer repairs, and have a much lower likelihood of breaking down just when you need it most. And it will do a better job, keeping your home more evenly comfortable and cool. It will even keep running for more summers! So plan ahead and schedule your air conditioning service in Oro Valley, AZ now.
Contact Picture Rocks Cooling, Heating & Plumbing today with any questions or to schedule an appointment with our professionals.